Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Dream Interpretation Guidelines

An important factor in Self-Empowerment is the more complete utilization of lines of communication between levels of consciousness. While commercial  “dream dictionaries” may have limited application, one that you compile yourself may be immensely helpful.  Through the regular use of a Dream Journal, you become familiar with your own symbol meanings and can explore each further for more insight. When you actually pay attention to your dreams, they start to pay attention to you and can deliver information and even guidance of immediate application.

Here are a few guidelines that will assist you in discovering the true meaning of your dreams.

  • Keep a daily dream journal. Simply recording your dreams in a journal immediately upon awakening can improve your memory of the dream experience and increase your understanding of its relevance.
  • Reflecting on your dreams can increase your understanding of them. Audibly recalling the dream’s essential elements can increase you understanding of the dream. The sound of your own voice can clarify the dream’s underlying message and magnify its empowerment potential.
  • Keep in mind that your dream messages are intended for you, the dreamer. They are for your personal enlightenment and empowerment.
  • While references abound that can be useful resources toward interpreting your dreams, you alone are your best dream analyst. You know yourself better than anyone else. Through your dreams, your subconscious manifests itself in ways designed to increase your understanding of yourself and your existence in the universe.
  • Use free association to determine the meaning of symbols used in the dream experience. Audibly state the symbol and allow a word, image, or condition to spontaneously come to mind. For instance, if the dream includes a bridge, simply say, “Bridge” and take a moment for a response to emerge. Through free association, you can build your own dream dictionary.

Suggested Reading:

Gongloff: Dream Exploration – A New Approach

Gonzalez-Wippler: Dreams and What They Mean to You

Slate, J. & Weschcke, C.: The Llewellyn Complete Book of Psychic Empowerment: Tools & Techniques, forthcoming, Llewellyn



See also:  Dream Interpretation
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