Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Endor

(Judaism) The location of a woman spirit medium as described in the Jewish bible, I Samuel 28.

King Saul wanted information about an upcoming battle with the massive armies of Philistines, and had already failed by way of dreams, the use of prophets, and the divination system known as the Urim and Thumim. Disguised, Saul (who had made the consulting of spirits illegal, including the death penalty) visits this woman. When she realizes who it is, Saul says she will not be punished. She raises the spirit of Samuel, who denounces being raised and informs him that he and his family will be destroyed in battle. Note that this unnamed woman is an Israelite and a Jewess as well as being a spirit medium or necromancer. She is not mentioned further or by any other means in the Jewish bible. King James I, sponsor of the translation that bears his name, was terrified that Witches were out to kill him. To defame Witches, he ordered that she be called a “Witch” in his translation.