Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: G-Spot


1.  Named after the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg who researched the area just inside and on the dorsal side of the vagina. When stimulated it swells (which may or may not be physically experienced) and continued stimulation can result in intense pleasure and orgasm, and even female ejaculation. It has been claimed that it is part of the "female prostate" of Skenes glands or urethral sponge. It was identified in ancient Asian books and recently Neo-Tantrics have taken to calling it the "Goddess-spot."

AUTHOR:  Donald Michael Kraig

2.  Not a spot at all, but an area of erectile tissue including the para-urethral glands, which surround the urethra and become engorged with fluid during sexual arousal. It feels like a ridge of rougher textured tissue, and it is located three to four inches inside, on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina. 

AUTHOR:  Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson
SOURCE:  Great Sex Made Simple, by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson (Llewellyn Publications)