Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Hekas, Hekas, Este Bebeloi


According to the Golden Dawn tradition, this is a phrase taken from the ancient Eleusinian Mysteries. Spoken at the beginning of some rituals, it is a type of exorcism, sending away anything not spiritual. It is said to mean, "Far, far be removed the profane."

There is a history of similar versions, with the main difference being that the "H" is considered silent, making it "Ekas, Ekas, Este Bebeloi." According to Walt Whitman (in Liberator, 1860), it was "Ekas, ekas, este bibelot," and was the "exorcism uttered by the grand mystagogue before beginning the ceremony of initiating an aspirant into the mysteries of Bacchus." However a "bibelot" is a small decorative object or trinket, making this version questionable.