Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Near Death Experience

1.  A phrase coined by Dr. Raymond Moody to describe the experiences reported by people who clinically die (or come very close to death) and are then revived. Only a small percentage of people who are revived report having such experiences. Although the most well known of such experiences includes “moving toward the light” at the end of a tunnel and being welcomed by deceased relatives or spiritual beings, other less than positive experiences have been reported, too.
AUTHOR:  Donald Michael Kraig

2.  People near death, and sometimes those who have been resuscitated after dying, report common experiences of peacefulness followed by separation from the body. At first there is darkness then seeing a source of light and moving into the light, sometimes through a tunnel. At this point, many turn or are turned to move back into the body. Sometimes they see family and friends, and other times a "presence," who all advise that it is not yet the time for the person to pass over. Other times there may be a review of the lifetime and a decision made by the person to return to complete unfinished business. It is nearly always a very positive and transformative experience, giving the person a much greater appreciation of life.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
See also:  NDEN.D.E.