Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Petrified Wood

Petrified wood, also known as fossilized wood, is a gray-brown conglomerate of muted tones. It can have light brown, yellow, red, pink, and even blue to violet colors in it. It is a microcrystalline quartz and a member of the chalcedony family. The organic wood is not really changed into stone, only the shape and structural elements of the wood are preserved. It is found mainly in the southwest US.

Petrified wood is very earthy, and will assist you in becoming grounded and balanced. If you feel spacey and not quite “with it”, having a piece of petrified wood near you will restore your subtle bodies to a more harmonious grounded state, and you will be able to think and reason more clearly.

It was used by the American Indians as a protective amulet against accidents, injuries and infections. It was thought to bring good luck, build reserves of physical energy, help ease mental and emotional stress, and encourage emotional

This stone is helpful for arthritis, environmental pollutants, skeletal systems, enhances longevity and generally strengthens the body.
SOURCE:  Truth about Crystal Healing, Phyllis Galde