Also known as Manipura. The Third Psychic Center, located at the solar plexus below the navel, also called "Gem City." Associated with the color yellow and the planet Mars. No associated Sephirah suggested.
The Solar Plexus (Manipura) Correspondences
Alchemical Planet: Jupiter, Sun
Alchemical Element: Tin
Tattva: Tejas (Fire)
Tattva Color: Blue
Tattva Form: Crescent
Tattvic Sense: Taste
Animal: Ram
Basic Drive: Pleasure
Body Function: Digestion
Chakra Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Gemstone: Amber, topaz
Gland: Adrenals
Goddess-form—Egyptian: Tefnut
Hindu: Lakini1
God-form—Hindu: Braddha-Rudra
Greek: Apollo, Athena
Incense: Carnation, cinnamon
Location: Over navel
Order of chakra unfoldment: 4th
Yogic Planet: Sun
Part of Body: Solar Plexus, Navel
Psychological attribute: Power, passion, energy
Psychic Power: empathy, psychic diagnosis Sense: Sight
Bija Mantra: RuNG, RuM (4)
Spinal Joint: 7th
Spinal Location: 1st Lumbar
Tarot Key: XVI, Tower
Tarot Suit: Wands
Tree of Life Sephiroth: Hod, Netzach
Yantra (internal): Green inverse triangle