Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: yantra

1.  From the ancient Sanskrit, it literally means “machine,” specifically a machine or instrument that restrains. In use, yantras are generally diagrams that Tantrics use in specific ways to restrain unwanted aspects of their own minds. In India, the best known yantra is the Sri Yantra. The term may also refer to amulets, hand postures, and even devices used in alchemy. In some traditions, yantras are used to control evil entities or the physical world.
SOURCE:  Donald Michael Kraig

2.  Sanskrit term meaning "Conception instrument." A geometric-style of diagram from Tantric philosophy used for concentration and in ritual to represent and contain specific psychic energies. Meditation on the Yantra will induce specific consciousness experiences.

The prefix yan- means "to conceive, perceive, imagine, visualize," and the suffix -tra equals an "instrument, implement or tool." Hence, a yantra is a tool for focusing the mind and encouraging clarity of conception.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

3.  Tool for conception; a geometric figure with spiritual and symbolic significance. Yantras can be quite simple—a triangle, a square, a crescent—or quite complex. 

AUTHOR:  Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson
SOURCE:  Great Sex Made Simple, Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson (Llewellyn Publications)