Seven cards are dealt left to right. The first cards, on the left, represent the past; the middle three the present; and the two on the right, the future. Starting at the left, the card positions are as follows:
This is adapted from a more traditional form, in which cards are read either right-side-up or reversed; the reversed or inverted cards show influences that are opposite in meaning, or at least weakened or delayed. If the querent asks a "yes-or-no" question and the majority of the cards are reversed, then the answer is "no."
However, when it is read Gestalt-style, all the cards can be placed and read upright. Of course the spread cannot then be forced to give a simple "yes" or "no" answer, but that is all right since most questions do not have such a black-or-white answer anyway.
Excerpted from Heart of Tarot: An Intuitive Approach, by Amber K & Azrael Arynn K