POSTED UNDER Bath, Sun, Water

Piscean Water Magic

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

During a Pisces Sun, a watery meditation invites ancient oceanic energies to inspire your dreams. To take charge of these energies, draw a bath and choose music that evokes the mystical to you. Light candles of sea green and aqua blue, setting them among shells, gull feathers, sea glass, and beach stones. Swirl sea salt into your bath water with your fingers. Immerse your body wholly in the water, and add drops of lavender and jasmine oil. Breathe deeply and surrender to the unknown. Close your eyes now as you float into the
mystic seas and drift off along the ancient rhythms of the water. Allow any images and emotions to surface as they will. Let go of the intellect, and forget all your daily conflicts. Banish your inner critic. Shut off the background white noise. Know that Pisces honors the instint. Breathe and let go. Invite your intuition to reveal a truth.

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