POSTED UNDER Earth, Family, Luck, AND MORE

Beware the Ides of March

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Lilac

Why is March 15 considered so unlucky? On this date in 226 b.c., an earthquake brought the Colossus of Rhodes-one of the seven wonders of the ancient world-to its knees. But a more famous incident probably accounts for the superstition. Julius Caesar's family may have belonged to the "Peoples' Party," but somewhere along the way he became a tyrant. In February of 44 b.c., Caesar had himself named Dictator Perpetuus-Dictator for Life. Brutus assassinated him on March 15, 44 b.c. Caesar's murder was foretold by soothsayers and even by his wife, Calpurnia, who had a nightmare in which Caesar was being butchered like an animal. Caesar chose to ignore these portents and the rest, of course, is history. As for us, well, the Moon is in Leo today, so lead-but don't dictate-or you may get yourself mauled.

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