POSTED UNDER Relationships, Spring

Balance Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Coriander

Daylight Saving Time begins today; now Spring is truly here. To achieve balance and prepare yourself for the active months ahead this spell may help. To start, light a gray candle, and place before it the Chariot card from the tarot. Take a good look at the card. The charioteer is strong, determined, but above all he is balanced. Now write a list of the things you wish to improve in your life so you may achieve balance-a better diet, financial control, better relationships, and so on. Each time you read your list say the words of power below, and soon you'll gain control over your life:

West, east, south and north,
As the Chariot I go forth;
Careful in thought, word, and deed,
I have the strength to

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