Ides of May Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

Today is the Ides of May. In the original Roman lunar calendar, the Ides marked the center of the month, the time of the Full Moon. However, when the Romans switched to a solar calendar, the Ides fell out of sync with the Moon. Today is magical because it is the Full Moon and the Ides, and therefore the two calendars are back in sync for a day. From the earliest times in Rome, the Ides of May marked the celebration of Mercury, the god of travel, luck, skill, wealth, and magic, who was worshiped in every culture by a different name. For example, Julius Caesar said Mercury was the chief god of the Celts, and as can be seen in the English name for his day of the week, he was equated with Woden, the chief god of the Germanic people. On this day in 495 b.c., Mercury's temple in Rome was dedicated. The entire month of May, in fact, was dedicated to Mercury's mother, Maia, which is why it was named after her, and the Ides of each month is sacred to Mercury's father, Jupiter. In the Buddhist calendar, the Full Moon in May is called Wesak. It is the most sacred day of the year. On Wesak Buddha was born, on Wesak he achieved enlightenment, and on Wesak he died and passed into Nirvana. Like Mercury, Buddha was a teacher of spiritual wisdom and interestingly his mother had the same name as Mercury's, Maia. The magic of this day should not be ignored. Take the day off, and go for a hike in the woods. When you come to a crossroads in the path, offer a gift to Mercury. He likes coins. First hold it up to the east and say:

To Hermes, the messenger of Zeus.
Turn to the south and say:
To Thoth, the teacher of magic.

Turn to the west and say:
To Mercurius, the bringer of wealth.

Turn to the north and say:
To Woden, the source of wisdom.

Now, bury the coin in the center of the crossroads and say:
To Mercury Artaios, the master of all the arts, I offer this gift.

Mercury Artaios was the god's name in Celtic France. Artaios is related to the Celtic word for "bear." During the day, you may receive a gift from Mercury in the form of a windfall.

I myself once found a beautiful five-pointed white antler on this day. A gift from Mercury can be used as a ritual tool, or as a talisman.

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