The Tension of Opposites Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Chrysanthemum

Many people equate the sign of Libra with balance. But for many Witches its lesson is closer to psychologist Marion Woodman's concept of "holding the tension of opposites." Of course, this is difficult in a culture where duality reigns supreme. You are either good or evil, light or dark, one of us, or one of them. Yet, in identifying completely with one side and rejecting its opposite, we create an empty space where compassion should dwell. We waste vital energy in defending our position and sustaining our self-identification with one thing. We become rigid and unchangeable. As Witches, it is part of our duty to recognize our unknown self, to embrace our inner shadow, and live with the tension of opposites. Witches should learn to dance the eternal shadow dance, and know:
I am that, too.

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