Bringing Yourself Back into Your Body Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Jasmine

The sign of Taurus is associated with the earth element, with our physical body, and with the pleasure we derive from our senses. This Full Moon is a perfect time to develop the sexual side of ourselves. If you have been feeling harried, excessively busy, and out of touch with your body, the Taurus Moon can help you relax and remember the joys and sensations of your physical being. For this spell you will need either jasmine or rose essential oil-pick your favorite. You will also need to wear earth-colored clothing of greens, browns, ochres, and maroons. On the Full Moon, anoint your throat and your heart with the essential oil, and then put on your earth-colored clothing. Find a quiet spot outside, or, if the weather does not permit, find a relaxing place in your home. Then sit down firmly on the ground, and touch your hands to the earth. Gently begin to breathe into your belly and then slow your breathing down. Start to enjoy the small sensations you feel. Listen to the sound of the breeze; take in the smell of autumn and allow it to course through your body. Feel the sensation of the air as it caresses your face, hands, and body. Allow your eyes to delight in the colors and textures of the land. Let your fingers dig into the ground and touch and caress the pebbles and dirt in your hands. This practice will help you to be grounded and remember your physical and sensual self.

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