Connecting with the Goddess

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Cedar

The month of January is often a time of low energy for many. The hustle of the holidays is over, and another year, full of unknowns, had begun. Even with the slowly lengthening days, we can still feel the effects of limited sunshine on our bodies. When we honor the goddess during this current Full Moon, we can reunite our energies with the divine source. For this reunion, you will need a while or silver candle, jasmine or another herb to represent your spiritual connection, an herb to represent you, charcoal, and a fire-proof container. Begin by standing in the goddess salute. State these or similar words:

Lady of the Moon
Mother of night,
Our energies are one
within your light.

Light the candle, visualizing your energy blending with the goddess's. Mix the two herbs in your hands, continuing the visualization. Sprinkle the herbs onto the lighted charcoal. As the smoke rises, vizualize your energies intertwining with hers. Meditate and listen for her messages of guidance. Thank her, and extinguish the candle.

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