POSTED UNDER Charm, Office, Success

Celebrate Victoria Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Rose

Today marks the celebration of the Roman goddess Victoria. As her name suggests, she is a figure who brings victory in all its guises: winning contests or races, getting
a raise or a grant, earning success and reputation as a leader, and so forth. On this day, you can make a charm to foster leadership skills by tying a blue ribbon to a brass ring. Charge it with these words:

With this blue ribbon and brass ring,
bring me the best of everything.
Light the darkness and lead my day,
let me always find the way.
Show me all that I need to see,
Victoria, so mote it be!

Carry the charm with you, or hang it in your office. Repeat the verse silently whenever you need a boost.
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