Getaway Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Cedar

Today is the perfect day to pretend you are somewhere else. If you are in the middle of a cold harsh winter, it is time to pretend you are in the tropics. If you are in a warm, sultry place, it's time to pretend to be in the snow. Decorate one room of your home in your chosen motif. Brightly colored fabrics can suggest the tropics; a fleece throw and some chenille cushions suggest a ski lodge. Consume pina coladas and quesadillas for your tropical day, or have a hot toddy
and a roast for a wintry meal. Play salsa or Scandinavian music. Dance around the room. Sit in a corner and read a book. Do what you want to do-whatever comes to mind-and imagine you are in the place of your choice. Today is your one-day vacation from the dull, dry routine of your ordinary life.
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