Spell to Achieve Clarity and Focus

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Cedar

In order for others to meet our needs, we must first know what we want. To initiate this process,
get a sky-blue candle and some oil of myrrh. Light the candle and rub your third eye chakra, saying:

By the power of water,
I see clearly and divinely. I ask and I seek.
My needs are met.

Anoint your throat with the oil, saying:

By the powers of air,
I mean what I say.
I say what I intend.

Daub some oil on your heart chakra (between the breastbone), and say:

By the power of fire,
I know what I desire.
I am led by the heart, which joins wisdom with love.

Anoint your midsection with the oil, and say:

By the power of earth,
I stick to my dreams.
I remain steadfast.
I understand what it takes to get me there.
So mote it be.

This spell works best under a clear sky, when the Moon is in an air sign.
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