Change You Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Poplar
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Poplar

The first thing any spell changes is you. Words have power, and as you weave a spell, you must be aware of what you are saying. "I will do something" is a very different statement from "I will try to
do something." A friend once told me his tribe teaches never to say "try"; instead, always say "I trust I can do this." This advice is in fact very invaluable in spellworking. If there is an area in your life you'd like to improve, try this simple affirmation. First, gaze into your mirror. Light a pink votive candle, and turn off the lights in the room. Say this affirmation three times: "I trust that I am an honorable person. I trust my deities to be with me in all things. I trust I can change those things that are harmful to me. I trust that I can achieve my goals." Do this as often as you like.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=1880