All Work Together Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Carnation

We all get into arguments sometimes. This spell helps set aside past animosity so that people can work together again. To start, sort out the sword and coin suits from a tarot deck. Choose the sword card that closely represents your current situation, and pick out the coin card that represents your desired goals. Photocopy each and cut them out. Hold the sword copy and say: "Here is where I am." Switch to the coin copy and say: "Here is where I want to be." Now fold the two copies together so that the coin completely encloses the sword, and say:

Symbols of power,
Do as you see
Past grievances settle,
Set us both free.
As swords into plowshares,
So mote it be.

Keep the folded images with you as a reminder of peace.
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