Shielding Meditation for the Strongly Empathic

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Sage

The psychic shield this meditation creates will allow you, when it is activated, to filter out strong emotions that can be disorienting or even draining. To start, sit or lie comfortably, and calm your breathing. Feel your body coming to rest. Now, take an extra-deep breath and begin building a mental shield around yourself. Feel layer upon layer building up, wrapping itself around you in a warm protective coating. Feel the shield becoming translucent, even porous. Let it become a part of you, and then visualize yourself reaching out a hand to touch the shield, seeing a static pulse appear under your fingers. Know that when any strong emotions come toward you they will be "vaporized" in a similar pulse. Let the shield damp itself down, remaining dormant until needed. To activate at any time, visualize the shield "powering up" around you like a forcefield brought back to life.
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