POSTED UNDER Charm, Children, Cure, AND MORE

A Spell to Protect Sleeping Children

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Basil

Saint Marina is a little-known saint honored today only in certain areas of the eastern Mediterranean. She is said to be the protector of sleeping children. Some say she never existed, but her spirit is still prayed to. To weave a web of protection around your children, obtain three charms-one shaped like an anchor, one shaped like a heart, and one simple blue turquoise bead. As your children sleep, empower the charms by saying:

With this anchor you'll be safe and secure.
With this heart, our bond will endure.
With this stone, blue as the sky,
May you never be harmed by the evil eye.

The anchor, heart, and turquoise are symbols of protection in the Near East. You should hide the charms. When your children are old enough, give them the charms as a gift with a gold chain. They don't have to know you have enchanted these charms, so be sure not to tell them.
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