POSTED UNDER Healing, Love, Moon, AND MORE

Recovery Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Patchouli

Do you still pine for an ex-lover? Or are you tormented with anger over something someone did or said to you long ago? You deserve to free yourself of any pain caused by another. Use the banishing vibrations of a waning Moon to diminish resentment or pain that is holding you back from realizing your full potential. Tonight, light a white candle and a blue candle. White is for protection, and blue is for healing. On a piece of blue paper, write that you now forgive this person for what they have done to you and declare your freedom to move on. After you have written your words, also say:

I ask for courage with this spell
To grant me the wisdom to dispel
Pain, anger and residual tears,
To banish and disappear!

After tonight, either burn or discard the note to symbolize your freedom.
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