POSTED UNDER Children, Moon

Unhappy at School Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Jasmine

Do you have a child, or know of someone else's child, who is unhappy at school because he or she is being bullied or teased? With their naive natures, children can be quite cruel to others without any understanding of the pain inflicted by words and behaviors. Without adult encouragement and empathy, teasing can destroy children's confidence and can affect their academic performance. On this waning Moon, offer your gift of magic to help a child banish this from his or her life. Write the words below on a piece of paper and fold it. Ensure that one of the folds is across the bully's name. Tie it up with black sewing thread or black ribbon. Place it in the freezer to "freeze" the bully's impact.

(Insert the bully's name.)
Your words no longer hurt me.
Your actions cause me less pain.
By trying to get my attention,
You have nothing more to gain.
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