POSTED UNDER Earth, Summer, Winter

Walpurgistide Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Sage

Together with Samhain, this night is the most powerful in the year for Witches. Walpurgistide is the dark twin of May Day. The purpose of rituals performed tonight is to drive the Hag of Winter back to her cave for the next six months. Go into the woods tonight and bring your worn-out bits of wood, clothing, brooms, and papers to build a Bel-fire. Your household items represent winter, with its dreariness, cold, and illness. Before you build a fire out of these objects, consider old thoughts and habits you wish to cast off. As you watch the flames dance above the cast-off bits of your life, visualize the old habits and thoughts consumed by the fire and going back into the earth, the womb of regeneration. Now dance around the fire. When the fire burns low enough to the ground for safety, jump it and make wishes for the summer.
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