Bare Your Soul for a Goal Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Clove
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Clove

On July 10, 1040, Lady Godiva rode naked through the streets of Coventry, England, in order to force her husband, the Earl of Mercia, to have a bit of mercy and lower taxes on his subjects. She asked that he reduce his overspending on elaborate public works, or to at least spend some of the money on art that the peasants might also be able to enjoy. He argued in return that the Greeks and Romans believed the nude body to be one of the greatest works of art and an expression of the purity and beauty of nature. He pledged to grant her request if she rode bare through the streets, and so the brave countess did just that. She rode clothed in nothing but her long, full hair, as the crowds turned away their eyes in respect. The Capricorn Full Moon, meanwhile, is about stability and a strong foundation: Reserved and unemo-tional, proper and yet not without some inner sensuality. Take time to ask yourself now what are you disciplined and determined enough to take on and achieve. For what goals are you are willing to strip away all your outer layers of comfort and armor? On a piece of parchment, write and sign a pledge to yourself to do something that will better your life or the life of those around you. Read the parchment every evening until your goals have been accomplished.
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