POSTED UNDER Earth, Summer, Wind

Summer Storm Clear-Your-Head Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Nutmeg

Summer thunderstorms provide a great opportunity for you to clear your head. You're caught up, no doubt, in the midst of a busy social schedule now, and perhaps looking for a way out of the whirlwind. The Chinese goddess Tien Mu creates lighting by reaching into the earth with one arm and reaching into a thundercloud with the other. She uses two huge mirrors, turning the reflective sides to face one another, to create the flashing bolt. This "enlightening" bolt can be used to clear your mind during a summer storm. See the storm clouds as your mental confusion and the earth as a grounding source. Each time the lightning strikes, imagine the clouds in your mind becoming illuminated, while your feet remain on the ground. When you are finished, thank Tien Mu for her gift.
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