Safe Haven Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Basil

Home is a haven, a sanctuary. To keep our homes safe, sometimes we need to set up or reinforce our wards. Get out a small tray. On it, assemble a lit candle, some burning incense, and a dish of salt water. Decorate the tray with fresh flowers, crystals, or other talismans. This will be a portable altar. Carry the tray around each room of your home. Wave the incense, walking clockwise around each room, then carry the candle around the room. On your third circle around the room, sprinkle the salt water. As you walk, say:

I bless my home with love and light. Only these may enter. I bless my home by the four elements, and make it a safe haven for me and my family.
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