Relighting the Inner Flame Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Evergreen

Today marks the Dewali, the festival of lights celebrating the Hindu New Year. This event, coupled with the Witches' New Year at Samhain, makes now a good time to refocus and relight your inner flame. Create an altar to the element of fire. It should have lots of candles, preferably colored red or orange. Burn incenses like dragon's blood, cinnamon, ginger, damiana, rosemary, or dill. Place pictures of fire creatures like salamanders, iguanas, or chameleons next to the candles. Use any symbol, like a Sun or a hearth, that connects with fire. Add images of fire deities, like Pele. Light the candles and say: "Inner flame burn bright, never lose your light." Feel yourself become hot and your inner fire burn. Know that it is always lit.
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