POSTED UNDER Earth, Garden, Home, AND MORE

Wash Away Winter Spell

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Chrysanthemum
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Chrysanthemum

Now the streams begin to flow again and ice begins to melt on rocky ledges. This ritual serves as a symbolic way to wash away winter's grip. Fill a spray bottle with bottled spring water and add about three tablespoons of rose water. Spray on at least one window on each side of your house, inside and out. Then wipe with a clean cloth. Also spray any glass panes in your front and back doors. If you have any rose-water solution left, spray and wipe mirrors throughout your home also. Pour any leftover water mixture outdoors, around your home or in your garden, to encourage the awakening Earth.
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