Color of the day: Indigo Incense of the day: Almond Incense of the day: Almond In the United States, the first ten amendments of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, are celebrated on this day as the Bill of Rights Day. Similarly, the United Nations has made this day Human Rights Day. Each of these celebrations reminds us that our rights and freedoms as citizens of our countries have often come after very hard work and sacrifice by others. As children of Mother Earth, we also realize that all creatures of the Earth are entitled to acknowledgement as sacred beings. As we seek our rights as humans, we are mindful that these rights extend to the other creatures within the web of life. Light jasmine incense for connections and take a deep breath, moving into a deep meditative state. Find yourself standing out in the dark, limitless void. You are safe and unafraid as you stand in this infinite darkness. In front of you, you see a shining thread of life and see it connect to someone you love; then you see another shining thread of life connecting you to someone you don't know. The threads increase one by one, connecting you to other people, to animals, to plants, and to rocks and other natural beings. Patiently you allow these threads to unwind, move out, and connect. Onward and outward they go. Finally these threads stop, and you are able to see your connections to all. Take very deep breaths and breathe in those connections. Feel the heartbeats and vibrations of the others; feel the deep harmony and love of the universe that surrounds you. When you are finished, thank all the beings present and disconnect yourself from these threads. Open your eyes, ground and center, and go about your day. |