Wolf Song Spell

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang

Deep in the winter, the world wears a white coat of snow. The Full Moon shines through bare branches, casting its brilliant light across the glittering landscape. There! A shadow slipping through shadows, a wisp of snow blowing low over the frozen ground. Suddenly they take form, and figment becomes fact: a pack of wolves serenading the sky. Native American tribes name the Full Moons based on natural events. The Algonquin and other eastern peoples refer to the January Full Moon as the Wolf Moon. During this time, wolf packs howl hungrily in the forests and roam widely in search of food. Wolves have always been linked closely with lunar symbolism. In Pagan traditions, they are creatures of the maiden goddess, and strong heroines are "women who run with the wolves." Now is an appropriate time to work with wolf energy for family loyalty, teamwork, hunting magic, and mystery. Help the species by "adopting" a wolf at a zoo or wolf park. Honor the spirit with wolf stories or praise poetry, such as:

Wolf song in winter wind
Wide tracks in the deep snow
Hunter at the deer's heels-
In you lives the wildness
At the heart of the world.
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