Rhythm Web Game

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Orchid

The Rhythm Web Game is about each person's own special voice and how, when we all share our true voices, we can make beautiful things happen. This game allows you and your community to share your heart's voices and feel how you are all connected in a beautiful web of energy. Drums and rattles are ideal for this game but people should be encouraged to clap hands, stomp feet, sing, make noises, or do whatever is right for them. The leader starts by playing a rhythm he or she wants to play. Then the leader passes the sound randomly to someone else in the circle. That person should then play whatever rhythm comes from the heart and then pass it on randomly to someone else in the circle. Continue to randomly pass on the rhythm, creating a web of connected strands of sound. When the leader feels the time is right, he or she tells everyone to join in and play together. Allow the group enough time to harmonize and feel the joy in the playing.
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