POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Rain, AND MORE

A Rain Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Juniper

St. Medard's feast day is celebrated today. It was said that the saint could walk though the heaviest rainstorm without getting wet. June 8 is traditionally a weather marker for most of western Europe:
If on the eighth of June it rain,
That foretells a wet harvest, men sayen.
To cast a spell using the energies of rain, write your desire on a piece of rice paper. The next rainy day, hold the paper in your left hand. Visualize what your life will feel like once your desire is realized. "Feel" is the operative word; the more you can feel how your life will change, the better this spell will work. Take your paper out into the rain. Experience the rain as the blessings of the element of water. Hold the paper in your outstretched hand and watch the rain consume your wish. Leave the spell paper in a place where the rain can dissolve it into the earth. Your wish will come true.
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