POSTED UNDER Peace, Rain, Summer

Give Me Strength

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Bayberry

Summer brings out hot tempers and hotter heads. Here is a good spell to get you through those moments when all those around you are acting stupid. Find yourself a quiet space, away from the crowd. You can do this in your car, in the restroom, or even inwardly. Breathe in three times. Fashion your thumbs in a chain, interlocking with each other. Chant:

Mighty Hercules,
Break this chain
Of little wit
And feeble brain.
Rude tongues waggle,
Cause me pain,
Challenge sane minds
To remain.
Hot heads cool,
Peace regain,
Give me strength
To break this chain.

Chant until you feel that the spell is working, and then release your thumbs, smile and breathe. You have made it through! As soon as possible, go outside and raise your hands to the sky and hail the mighty Hercules.
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