POSTED UNDER Bath, Cat, Love

Dream Magic

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Frankincense

There are steps you can take to encourage your dream work. The first of these is a dream pillow. It is simple enough for you to make your own small one to tuck inside your pillowcase with your sleeping pillow. Combine two tablespoons each rose petals and lemon balm with one tablespoon each costmary, catnip, lavender buds, and cloves. Insert the mixture into a fabric envelope, then stitch the envelope closed with silver thread and place it inside your pillowcase. For a bedtime dream bath, combine three tablespoons lemongrass, two tablespoons each orange peel and thyme, and one tablespoon each cloves, cinnamon, and lavender. Grind well. Tie the mixture into a piece of cheesecloth or a washcloth and place it in your bath. While soaking in the tub, relax and meditate on what you wish to accomplish in your dream journey this night. Finish your bath and go directly to bed, allowing yourself to relax and sleep.
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