Harvest Mare Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang

The harvest was a time of many ancient folk customs in Wales. These were often connected with the Gwrach ("Hag") or the Caseg Fedi ("Harvest Mare"), an ornament made from the last tuft of grain to be harvested. Reaping hooks were skillfully cast toward the last sheaf, and whoever touched the sheaf cried out that they had gotten "Gwrach, gwrach, gwrach!" (A hag, a hag, a hag!), or else "Pen medi bach mi ces!" (I got a little harvest-mare!). Weave a small horse from straw and set it on your harvest altar. Make offerings of cakes, ale, and the first fruits of the harvest:

O spirit of the corn,
Hag of the harvest,
Divine harvest mare,
I honor you!
She who transforms
And nourishes,
Goddess of the Earth,
The fields, and the grain.
I welcome you,
And bid you farewell
As you cycle through the year And bless us again!
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