POSTED UNDER Money, Office, Prayer


Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Pine

At this time, ancient Greeks celebrated the holiday of Thesmophoria. They honored women and women's rights, and performed rites at the temples of various goddesses, chiefly Demeter and Artemis. Holy women would dress in gowns of royal purple and red, then read aloud from sacred liturgies. Offerings of piglets were made at the shrine of Demeter, symbolically returning to her some of the bounty she bestowed on her people. Today is an ideal opportunity to work magic for women's rights. You might send energy to a woman who is running for office, or donate money to a women's organization. Hold a prayer circle for victims of domestic violence. Honor the Goddess as manifest in the women you know. Wear red and purple, and decorate your altar with flowers in those colors.
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