Full Moon Messages

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Cypress

The winter Moons are a wonderful time for divination and spiritual self-study. December's Full Moon is known as the "Cold Moon," or "The Moon of Long Nights." As the light of the Sun becomes weaker, night magic and the power of the Moon becomes more potent. This water spell combined with the energies of the Full Moon will enable you to scry with better success. First set up your scrying altar in a private space where you'll be undisturbed. Cover the altar with black cloth and fill your cauldron half full of spring water. You may decide to place a quartz crystal or a piece of obsidian in the bottom of the cauldron. Place a silver candle next to the cauldron. Next draw a warm bath. Light a few candles and add three drops of lemongrass, three drops of mimosa, and three drops of magnolia to your bath water. These oils are powerful aids for psychic ability. Swirl the oils around with your receptive hand. Lean back in the tub and soften your gaze. As you breathe in the essences, feel the watery parts of you being drawn to the Moon. Imagine the tides, the sea creatures, yearning toward the Moon. You are yearning toward the Moon. You, too, are a creature of the Moon. The Moon has a message for you. When you feel you must leave the bath and discover the message, approach the scrying table. Turn the lights off and light the silver candle. Cast a magic circle around your space, then seat yourself at the table. Keep a soft, unfocused gaze. Empty your mind of doubt and worry. Just breathe and watch. You will see images. The Moon has spoken.
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