POSTED UNDER Business, Love

Job Interview Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Clove
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Clove

January is a great time to seek employment, due to many companies renewing their budgets for workforce expansion. On a computer, create a mock business card with your desired company, your name, and the anticipated position. Bring this together with an Ace of Pentacles tarot image (a real card or one printed from a computer). Light an orange candle sprinkled with cinnamon or nutmeg, and fully visualize your confidence in the interview. You look fabulous and answer all questions with ease. Imagine you are exactly who they are looking for, and they even show you your working area. See yourself happily doing the work you want and receiving excellent compensation. At this point, say out loud your name, your company name and your anticipated position as if it were already here. When interviewing, wear your mock business card, and sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on the soles of your shoes.
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