House Blessing

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ivy
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Ivy

The Japanese have celebrated this day as the beginning of spring for more than a thousand years. Begin this spell, as the Japanese do, with a good house cleaning. As you vacuum and dust your floors and furniture, visualize the winter doldrums vanishing with the dust and being replaced with good energy. As you clean, chant:

"In with good luck, out with the demons."

When you're finished cleaning the room, scatter dried beans on the floor, imagining you're hitting the demons that represent low energy, illness, and depression. The beans themselves represent good fortune. Light new white candles throughout your home and place a bowl of white flowers on your kitchen table. Gather the scattered beans in a white ceramic bowl and place on your altar. End the spell with a prayer of thanks that the back of winter is finally broken.

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