POSTED UNDER Air, Cat, Garden

Seed Choosing Divination

Deciding on the seeds to cultivate in your garden is challenging, since there are so many wonderful varieties to choose from. This simple divination can help you make up your mind. First, decide how many of each type-such as corn, beans, herbs-you have room for. Then, list candidates-such as silver queen corn or kandy korn-suitable for your area. Write down their names on separate slips of paper or cut out the catalog entries. Then make this invocation to Demeter: "Green mother, I beseech you: Share with me your bounty and show me which seeds to plant so they grow strong!" Take all the slips for one type of crop and toss them in the air. Remove the ones that fall face-down, and repeat as necessary until you have as many faceup slips remaining as you have room to plant. The faceup slips indicate your best choices. Thank Demeter and make your order.
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