POSTED UNDER Autumn, Cat, Equinox, AND MORE

Vernal Equinox

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Cypress

Today is the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the New Year in many ancient traditions. It is the time of new growth and new beginnings. Eggs are one symbol of this festival since they represent new life. To celebrate, decorate an altar or small table with a green cloth and place on it spring flowers, Pussy Willows in vases, or sprouting bulbs in pots. Place a bowl of hard-boiled eggs in the center. Cast a circle and call the quarters: east for the spring, now with us; south, for the summer that is to come; west, for the autumn far away; and north for the winter that is ending. Hold up an egg and say, "I dedicate this egg to new beginnings in the coming season." Meditate for a little while on your hopes for spring, then take that energy into you by cracking and eating the egg.

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