Full Moon Lemuralia

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Sage

Lemuralia falls on the Full Moon this year, the Roman Feast of Lemures, who were the restless spirits of the dead that may have taken up residence in Roman homes. Drawing upon the power of the Full Moon, now's the time to exorcise unwanted energies not in accord with your will and fill your home with bright, Full Moon energy. Set up your altar with white candles and flowers. Also include a dish of black beans sprinkled with sea salt in the middle of the altar. Barefoot, smudge your whole house with incense or sage. Any dark energies will be drawn and attached to the beans. Over the beans, repeat three times:

Shadows of dark, to beans of black,
From whence you came, return ye back
By the Full Moon's power I banish thee
With these beans, I redeem mine and me

Toss the beans out your front door and bang a cooking pot or ring a bell three times:

Shadows flee, you don't belong,
Never to return, now be gone!

Now feel your home clean, blessed, and brimming with Full Moon energy!
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