POSTED UNDER Family, Love, Success

Happy Moments Reminder

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Juniper

Find a picture or photograph that reminds you of a wonderful time in your life. This could be a scene from your childhood, a picture of a professional or athletic achievement, or a family portrait. It could be a famous painting you have always loved or a sketch bought at an art show. Frame the piece (or have it matted) so that it will stay in good condition. Put the picture where you can see it frequently. Once you have the picture in place, pick a time when you will be undisturbed. Face the picture and think of all the fond memories it holds for you. If you wish, invoke other senses: play music, smell oils or incense, touch cloth such as velvet or silk, taste a favorite food. Concentrate on the sensations and fix them to the sight of the picture so that whenever you see it, you can summon those feelings of that happy, successful moment.

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