POSTED UNDER Air, Children, Healing

DNA Linking with Cord Magic

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Cedar

In a muslin bag or medicine bag, compile samples of your hair, fingernails, toenails, and flakes of skin. Spit on these to bind them all together with your energy and tie the bag to a blue cord that measures the length of your body. This is an energetic facsimile of your emotional body. When knots are tied in the cord or energy work is performed, the result streams to your energy vibration and is channeled directly to you, not restricted to or contained by the cord. While children do outgrow these types of cords quickly, adults over thirty can continually add personal DNA to create a stronger link. Using the cord enables one to perform healing work on the self. One of the most effective uses for these types of bonded cords is to charge them with energies beyond physical reach. For example, if you are too busy to nap but feel thoroughly exhausted, your cords could be laid to bed and charged to receive the energy of rest and rejuvenation while the body follows through with its terrestrial day. As with all implements that contain one's personal energy, cords should be carefully stored when not in use and should never be used by others on your behalf without your full consent and participation.
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