POSTED UNDER Air, Children, Love, AND MORE

Magical Uses of Ginger

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Almond

Gingerbread cut into the shapes of men, women, children, and animals were traditionally sold at revels and hiring fairs during the month of August. Ginger biscuits, known as "fairings," often contained a piece of clove for longevity. Long considered an aid to romance, ginger cakes and cookies were a popular gift for lovers. If you add ginger to any love spell you cast, it will give the spell more power. To heat up the romance in your relationship, warm wine to just under a simmer in a nonreactive pot. Add a muslin or cheesecloth bag filled with a mixture of rose petals, peeled ginger root and 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger. Let steep and taste every few minutes so that the ginger doesn't overpower the wine. Chill and share with your lover. Ginger is also used in money spells. Sprinkle ground ginger over a stack of dollar bills to attract more money. To attract prosperity to your household, bury a ginger root by your front door.

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