Color of the day: Gray Incense of the day: Lily Incense of the day: Lily The Moon is in Capricorn today, which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn oversees the darker and longer lasting aspects of the spirit and psyche; it is perfect to utilize this planet's energy for a spell to relieve stress. After the Sun goes down, walk in an area that has many rocks and pebbles. Gather a number of stones that call to you, placing each one in a black bag. With a black permanent marker or black paint, draw the symbol of the planet Saturn on each stone you wish to imbue in the spell. When the ink or paint dries, meditate on a different emotional issue and channel its energy into the stone. Perhaps you wish to think about different things you've become angry or saddened by, channeling these stresses into the individual stones. When finished, cast the stones over a bridge into running water. With each toss, say: "Cast to the abyss this stress I feel; Saturn and water, I ask you to heal." |