Chronos, God of Time

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

There's Kronos, the murdering Titan. And there's Chronos, the God of Time. While stresses brought on by time constraints tempt us to invoke the former, take some time today to honor the latter. What does time mean to you? We talk about it in active, often aggressive terms: We kill it, we waste it, we take it, we make it, we give it, we lose it. What is positive about time? What can we learn from its unyielding persistence? How can we find ways to work with it, rather than fight it? Time spent within a circle is considered "time out of time." Step into that zone today. Experiment with stretching it to meet your needs and compressing it to make unpleasant tasks go by faster. Instead of viewing it as a battle, view it as a game. Can you find ways to outwit it? And still respect it?
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